We turn sunlight into fuel.
And move the world toward net zero.
Transforming transportation
As a global leader in renewable fuels, Synhelion is pioneering the future of clean mobility. With the world’s first solar fuel plant in operation, we produce renewable synthetic fuels from solar energy. Our fuels directly replace fossil fuels, making net-zero transportation a reality.
The transportation industry emits 8 billion tons of CO2 per year. We work to get this number to zero.

Fueling the future
Synhelion produces renewable synthetic fuels from solar energy. Our solar fuels can directly replace fossil fuels and are fully compatible with existing global fuel infrastructure. They enable sustainable transportation and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 99% compared to fossil fuels.

Scaling for global impact
Our proven, de-risked technology is deployed in our first industrial-scale solar fuel plant – creating track record every day.
Now, we are scaling our technology worldwide to revolutionize sustainable transportation.