Scaling solar fuel production

After RISE comes SHINE

SHINE will be our first large-scale, competitive plant, setting a new benchmark for commercial renewable fuel production. By scaling our proven technology, SHINE will produce economically viable solar fuels that can compete with other renewable alternatives in terms of cost, efficiency, and scalability. With multiple projects in development, Synhelion is evaluating several locations to accelerate the transition to sustainable fuels. Ideal locations offer exceptional solar resources, feedstock availability, and a strong industry sector.

Main specifications

Net fuel production
100’000 tons per year per plant

Solar jet fuel, diesel and gasoline

CO2 reduction
300’000 tons of CO2 avoided annually per plant

A blueprint for the future

SHINE will be more than just a solar fuel plant. It will be a scalable blueprint for global adoption. By replicating its success worldwide, we will further scale production of synthetic fuels to millions of tons per year, contributing to a net-zero transportation sector.