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CEMEX looks to use the sun to decarbonize cement
CEMEX and Synhelion developed an innovative technology to eliminate the carbon footprint in cement using solar energy to drive the manufacturing process.
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Zurich Airport commits to ETH spin-off for CO2 reduction
Zurich Airport has just entered into a partnership with the young high-tech enterprise Synhelion SA to support research and development work on synthetic fuels over the long term. The goal is to make these fuels available in sufficient quantities at market prices.
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Lufthansa – Flying with sunlight
Lufthansa Group, ETH Zurich and its spin-offs Climeworks and Synhelion plan to cooperate in the field of Sustainable Aviation Fuels.
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Synhelion and Eni team up to produce low emission fuel using renewable energy
Synhelion and leading energy company Eni announce the development of a new technology for the production of methanol from CO2, water, and methane in a process that requires high temperatures achieved by harnessing solar energy.
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ETH Zürich – Carbon-neutral fuel made from sunlight and air
Researchers from ETH Zurich have developed a novel technology that produces liquid hydrocarbon fuels exclusively from sunlight and air.