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Internazionale – Un carburante solare per Alitalia

Un giorno gli aerei di Alitalia potrebbero volare bruciando idrocarburi ottenuti dall’aria stessa. Potremmo chiamarla “aria fritta”?

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Advanced Science News – Flying high on carbon dioxide: decarbonizing aviation

Two Swiss start-up companies have developed a process to generate aviation fuel from thin air in order to accelerate the industrialization of sustainable aviation fuels.

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swissinfo – ‘Green’ aviation fuel aims to power planes by 2030

When you burn a hydrocarbon, with oxygen, you have a release of energy and products from combustion that are CO2 and water vapour. Conceptually, this process can be reversed.

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Zurich Airport commits to ETH spin-off for CO2 reduction

Zurich Airport has just entered into a partnership with the young high-tech enterprise Synhelion SA to support research and development work on synthetic fuels over the long term. The goal is to make these fuels available in sufficient quantities at market prices.

Press release

RTS – Les carburants solaires entrent dans le radar des compagnies aériennes pour décarboner l'aviation

Le groupe Lufthansa vient de conclure un partenariat avec le développeur suisse de carburants solaires Synhelion. La spin-off suisse produira un carburant qui émet 50% de moins de CO2 dès 2022 et prévoit de commercialiser un carburant 100% renouvelable en 2030.

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RSI – Carburante verde di una spinoff

In questo periodo difficile, il settore dell’aviazione si trova sotto pressioni sempre più forti anche per ridurre il proprio impatto sul clima.

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Lufthansa – Flying with sunlight

Lufthansa Group, ETH Zurich and its spin-offs Climeworks and Synhelion plan to cooperate in the field of Sustainable Aviation Fuels.

Press release

SolarPACES – How much land would solar thermochemistry need to make all our aviation fuel?

The latest figures for aviation fuel use per year show that the world used 300 megatons of jet fuel annually in 2019, manufacturing them from fossil fuels. But a carbon-constrained future requires us to envision a world that can produce that much aviation fuel for commercial aircraft, but without carbon emissions.

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