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NZZ – Sonne und Luft als Rohstoffe genügen

Das junge Schweizer Unternehmen Synhelion hat ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von CO2-neutralem Flüssigtreibstoff entwickelt. Erste Pilotanlagen sind in Erprobung, das Potenzial stimmt optimistisch.

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Synhelion receives funding from German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is supporting the SolarFuels research project by Synhelion and other partners with EUR 3.92 million. Synhelion will use the funding to build the world’s first industrial plant for solar fuels.

Press release

AMAG invests in Synhelion

Switzerland’s largest automobile importer AMAG Group Ltd’s climate and innovation fund makes its first investment and takes a stake in Synhelion.

Press release

Synhelion acquires Heliokon and pushes ahead with internationalization

Synhelion has acquired German company Heliokon GmbH, an expert in concentrated solar power (CSP) technology.

Press release

The Engineer – Solar power tech could help produce next generation synthetic fuels

Concentrated solar energy has come a long way since the days of Archimedes.

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SAT.1 – Fuel from air and sunlight

Looking for solutions to reach net zero, the German TV channel SAT.1 wanted to know how we turn air and sunlight into jet fuel.

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SRF – What is the state of Swiss start-up culture?

SRF SchweizAktuell was looking for Swiss start-ups that develop innovative solutions to global challenges and came knocking at our door.

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SRF – Innovation to reduce CO2 emissions

SRF 10vor10 reports on groundbreaking Swiss innovation to tackle the climate crisis and highlights solar fuels.

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