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NZZ – Schweizer Startup nimmt Grossanlage für umweltfreundliches Flugbenzin in Betrieb

In der Flugindustrie ist der Ersatz von fossilen Treibstoffen besonders schwierig. Das ETH-Startup Synhelion setzt dafür nun auf eine völlig neue Technologie. Diese setzt solare Wärme ein, um einen klimafreundlichen Ersatz für Kerosin und Benzin herzustellen.

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National Geographic – What fuel made from the sun could do for the planet

A new facility in Germany is making liquid fuel out of sunlight. Here’s how it works.

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung – Solarsprit made in Jülich

Aus Sonnenlicht und Biogas macht ein Start-up nachhaltiges Flugzeug-Kerosin. Jetzt geht im Rheinland die weltweit erste Produktionsanlage in Betrieb.

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DAWN construction update: mirror field installed

DAWN construction update: mirror field installed

The heliostat field is installed, and the construction phase of plant DAWN is completed. Synhelion is proceeding with its effort to commission plant DAWN and will soon start solar fuel production.

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Synhelion and Pilatus launch strategic partnership to scale solar fuels

Synhelion and Pilatus Aircraft Ltd enter into a strategic cooperation. The Swiss aircraft manufacturer wants to use Synhelion’s solar fuels for its own flight operations and also offer them to its customers in the medium term. Pilatus has therefore become a shareholder of Synhelion.

Press release
DAWN construction update: key components installed

DAWN construction update: key components installed

Synelion’s first industrial-scale demonstration plant DAWN is currently in the construction and commissioning phase. The construction of plant DAWN is progressing steadily, and now the key components of our technology have been delivered and installed.

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DAWN construction update: Fischer-Tropsch plant commissioned

DAWN construction update: Fischer-Tropsch plant commissioned

With its proprietary technology, Synhelion produces syngas, the universal key to sustainable liquid fuels. The syngas is then processed into syncrude using standard Fischer-Tropsch process, which can then be refined into jet fuel, gasoline, or diesel. Plant DAWN’s Fischer-Tropsch unit has been commissioned.

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Synhelion welcomes Thomas Syfrig as new CFO

Synhelion welcomes Thomas Syfrig as new CFO

Synhelion is pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas Syfrig as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Committee. He will assume his duties after an introduction period starting March 25, 2024, succeeding the current CFO, Mirjana Blume, who departs on April 5, 2024.

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