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24/7 production of solar fuels: our game-changing thermal energy storage

In this article, we explain how Synhelion’s thermal energy storage works, and why this innovation is key to achieve economical large-scale production of renewable solar fuels.

Blog post

SGV and Synhelion sign offtake agreement for solar fuel to power historic steamboats on Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne Navigation Company (SGV) AG, a leading Swiss transportation company, has signed a five-year fuel offtake agreement with cleantech company Synhelion. SGV will purchase nearly 100 tons of solar fuel annually to power its fleet. This will make SGV the first navigation company in the world to use Synhelion’s solar fuel.

Press release

Pilatus Aircraft signs solar fuel offtake agreement with Synhelion

Swiss aircraft manufacturer Pilatus Aircraft Ltd has signed a five-year fuel offtake agreement with Synhelion. The commitment to purchase solar kerosene from Synhelion marks a significant milestone in their partnership.

Press release
Pushing forward: Synhelion produces syncrude at plant DAWN

Pushing forward: Synhelion produces syncrude at plant DAWN

Synhelion has reached a crucial milestone in the commissioning of DAWN, its first industrial-scale demonstration plant in Jülich, Germany. DAWN is operational and the company has successfully produced synthetic crude oil, achieving the plant’s primary goal of producing renewable solar fuel.

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Red Bull Innovator Sessions – Das Kerosin von morgen: Energie aus Luft und Licht

Um der globalen Erwärmung entgegenzuwirken, müssen die Emissionen des Transportsektors drastisch reduziert werden. Wie kann die Wende gelingen? Synhelion hat eine Technologie entwickelt, mit der CO₂-neutrale Solarkraftstoffe erzeugt werden können. Philipp Furler, Co-CEO von Synhelion, im Gespräch mit Innovator Sessions.

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Tagesschau – Mit Sonne und Biomasse zu E-Fuels

Aus Sonnenlicht und Biogas macht ein Start-up nachhaltiges Flugzeug-Kerosin. Jetzt geht im Rheinland die weltweit erste Produktionsanlage in Betrieb.

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WirtschaftsWoche – Kerosin aus Solarwärme: Macht dieser Solarturm Fliegen grün?

Ab 2025 müssen Flugzeuge in der EU Ökosprit beimischen, doch der ist rar. Nun produzieren Gründer in Jülich erstmals Treibstoffe aus Sonnenwärme. Kann die Technik Fliegen jetzt klimafreundlich machen?

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Synhelion inaugurates DAWN – the world’s first industrial plant for the production of solar fuels

Today Synhelion inaugurated the world’s first industrial-scale plant to produce synthetic fuels using solar heat in Jülich. By inaugurating DAWN, Synhelion proves that the technology to produce solar fuels is ready for large scaling. The renewable fuels will demonstrate the technology’s potential to defossilize the transportation sector.

Press release